Results of online poll: an experiment in democratic jewellery making
The pie chart shows the result of my online poll that finished on 4 March. I had suspected that the poll might receive no votes at all, so I was pleasantly surprised that there were six votes cast in addition to my own.
The poll concerned possible configurations of a necklace made up of a fold-formed pendant and chain of oval links. There were three options, and each voter could vote for only one. The options were named Jaunty C, Inverted U and U.

I was the only person to vote for the U configuration! The Jaunty C was the most popular.
I then asked the same question of my fellow students and tutor at the evening class. This was a rather different situation as we had the pieces in front of us, and a consensus was reached by discussion. In the end, it was a case of picking the least bad option, rather than a vote for a clearly preferred arrangement. There was some support for the Inverted U because of the symmetry between the curves of the pendant and chain. However, there was a widely held view that this arrangement looked too much like a cult symbol for comfort. Jaunty C, the most popular in the online poll, was rejected because of its resemblance to the letter C. This would make the necklace unsuitable for anyone whose name didn't begin with C. There was even a comment that it looked very like the C for a (probably) famous brand of lager. I've checked, and it does. So that left the U configuration.
Taken together, the two polls cancel each other out. Looks like I'll have to make my own decision after all!
This has been an interesting exercise. I enjoyed setting up the online poll, and seeing the number of votes gradually increase. It has made me realise that it is a good idea to seek others' opinions, even if you still follow your own view in the end. I would probably (pun intended) never have noticed the similarity to the beer logo on my own.
My thanks to the online voters - you made my day!
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